I have finally located the memory card for the SLR camera (yessss!). I'm also home doing nothing that awesome on a Friday night. So clearly this means I will be uploading lots of photos (yay!!). I'm going to first start off with Easter photos in this post (yes, that was nearly a month ago). So let's hope when I'm done I'm finally all caught up here!

Bogart just loves Theresa!

Cake by mum :)

Melissa and Bogart

Ralph discovers he's out of vino...

It's empty! Dad is to the rescue though with a refill.

I made cupcakes!! The pink ones turned out best (or the pink frosting should I say).

Ralph and Mary Ann, my second parents :)

Dad and I trying to practice for the father-daughter dance... this should be interesting!

Chris seems so thrilled! I think Mary Ann was cheating with those sunglasses on ;)